Hypospadias Treatment In this condition, the patient passes urine from a hole which is situated further down the penile shaft, rather than on the tip of the penis. In the more severe cases, the penis may also be bent (chordee). Hypospadias surgery can be technically very exacting, and complication rates can be high particularly in those centers which do few operations a year. The surgery can be done in 1 or stages, anytime between the ages of 9 months to 2 years. If a child already has had 1 or more failed repairs before, then pre-operative treatment with testosterone may be beneficial. Warning: Graphic Surgery Content
Mr Devesh MisraAn experienced, expert paediatric surgeon in London, UK. He has special interest in Newborn Babies (neonatal) & Children Surgery, GI surgery & Paediatric Urology. An experienced pediatric surgeon LondonTreatments for urology conditions, circumcision, tight foreskin, balanitis, undescended testes, hypospadia, constipation etc.