Consultant Paediatric Urologist Surgeon
How common is it?
Surprisingly, all boys are born with a tight foreskin, however the foreskin starts opening up with age. Complications Some boys with a tight foreskin may develop balanitis (infection) at a later age. Rarely this may result in scarring with resultant difficulty in passing urine. Non-operative treatment As long as the clinician can rule out BXO by clinical examination, it should be possible to treat some tight foreskins with steroid creams, the success rate is approximately 40-50%. Circumcision A circumcision surgery may be performed for religious or medical reasons. It may be done under local anesthesia, or under a light GA. |
Mr Devesh MisraAn experienced, expert paediatric surgeon in London, UK. He has special interest in Newborn Babies (neonatal) & Children Surgery, GI surgery & Paediatric Urology. An experienced pediatric surgeon LondonTreatments for urology conditions, circumcision, tight foreskin, balanitis, undescended testes, hypospadia, constipation etc.